• Sed de Avanzar · EVP

  • Sed de Avanzar · EVP

  • Sed de Avanzar · EVP

  • Sed de Avanzar · EVP

  • Sed de Avanzar · EVP

  • Sed de Avanzar · EVP

  • Sed de Avanzar · EVP

  • Sed de Avanzar · EVP

  • Sed de Avanzar · EVP

  • Sed de Avanzar · EVP

How to develop a distinct employer brand  capable of attracting technology talent.

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Mahou San Miguel, a leading company in the beer industry, is an independent organization of Spanish origin and international projection. Its pioneering and transforming spirit, its demanding orientation towards results, the generation of value, its commitment to the well-being of its employees and the enjoyment of its customers makes MSM unique and allow them to advance decisively in the design of the future of the sector. MSM contacted WTC to design an employer brand at the level of its corporate reputation, to create a story and a communication plan that would build a benchmark employer brand, and thus generate attraction for the candidate and the bonding and pride of belonging in current employees that would accompany the business plan.

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WTC, as experts in HR marketing and Employer Branding, worked with MSM to create a value proposition to the employee, the definition of a communication strategy adapted to their audiences and channels, and carried out an implementation that allows measurement and ensures impact.

The project began with dynamic research led by WTC from whose analysis a diagnosis was extracted on which to develop the EVP “Thirst to Advance” and the brand architecture that evidences the spirit of development, innovation, progress and constant evolution of the company.

The internal employee experience was essential to building the employer brand, and social media was one of the key channels of the strategy. We defined the role of employees in the project, for which we analyzed their level of knowledge, digital footprint and activity.

The campaign, which has the company’s employees as protagonists, was launched internally and then in a multichannel plan that prioritizes the digital environment.

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The EVP “Sed de Avanzar” has managed to become a hallmark of MSM’s identity and internally it has been very well received by employees who feel identified with the story developed. This identification has boosted the visibility of the EVP in social networks and the feeling of pride of belonging.

We take a campaign as far as necessary to achieve the company’s objectives.